Calling All Austinites to #KeepAustinRooted!

Calling All Austinites to #KeepAustinRooted! image



We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We're on a mission to #KeepAustinRooted.

TreeFolks is on a mission to combat the loss of tree canopy & fight climate change by planting another one million trees in Central Texas. Join our Keep Austin Rooted campaign to bring back the beauty, protection, and bounty that native trees provide to the ecosystem and our community.

We're working to #KeepAustinRooted in the following ways, and more:

  • Community Tree Plantings and Ready, Set, Plant!
  • Floodplain Reforestation and Carbon+ Credits
  • NeighborWoods tree adoptions
  • Tree Education and Urban Forest Stewards